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Insurance that
Works for you

Welcome To All Ages Life!

All Ages Life is a professional business with ethical values that cares. for the people's needs, a burial plan that covers people regardless of age and medical conditions. All Ages Life aims to provide families with peace of mind, when death comes one can have a dignified funeral.Death must be thought of and most importantly, prepared for.

We aim to listen and meet our clients requirements regardless of class or health status.
To be sensitive to the needs and privacy of our clients.
To give our clients peace of mind.
To deliver our promises as assigned/agreed
We aim to provide jobs and wealth creation opportunities for our community.
To encourage people develop and advance their social and economic standards.
To excel in regular reliable delivery of services to our services
To provide an affordable burial cover for the previously disadvantaged and render them with service in case of members death.

Find the Right Type of
Insurance for You:

2x Double Cover

1x Single Cover

“Thank you All Ages Life for providing well dignified funeral to my grandfather. keep doinga great job. God bless you.”